Dog Training 101: How to Completely Train Your Dog

But through positive-reinforcement training, it’s possible to help dogs of any age recognize that it can be fun to behave politely. “In many cases, you can reverse rude behavior quickly by teaching a new, enjoyable way to behave,” she says. In other words, your dog won’t be as likely to run off with your socks if the alternative is to “drop it” and get a treat. At this critical socialization period that ends by 16 weeks, puppies are students of life, Naito explains. They’re curious—and should be learning—about how the world around them works, specifically what things look like and sound like. For that reason, Naito generally focuses on exposing puppies to their environment first before diving into obedience training.

  • When your Husky puppy is done, you should remember to praise and reward them.
  • Make sure that whenever your puppy is sleeping, you take them outside the moment they wake up.
  • If they’re crated for too long, they may start pottying in the crate out of desperation.
  • Perhaps the most notable public square along Khreshchatyk is Maidan Nezalezhnosti (“Independence Square”).
  • Patience and consistency are the most important aspects of dog training.

Allow them time to adjust to the new routines and processes you are asking of them. One of the next important things is to socialize your dog. Let him play with other dogs and become familiar with other people.

It’s best to choose a quiet place to train, and the time of day doesn’t matter. If you don’t release the command after that, it will eventually stop sitting or staying in place on its own. Therefore, you should release every command after a certain amount of time. The best way to do this is with a word like “OK. It is important that your dog learns that you are giving a command and that you also determine when it is over.

#5 Use Crate Training

And excitable puppies just get more excitable in those classes. The first thing most puppy parents want their new pup to learn is where to potty. And while the crate is an invaluable tool for the potty training process, there’s more to it! Helping your dog learn to potty outside requires supervision, good timing and patience.

Another smart way to prevent no-nos is to carefully plan the timing of your dog’s potty breaks. This can be a tricky step for owners who free-feed their pups, as their eating and bathroom habits can be more unpredictable. Some dogs — particularly younger, older, and smaller ones — can’t hold their urine for as long as other pups. For adult dogs entering a new home, it’s important to limit the amount of space they have access to while the house-training process is still in progress. This can be accomplished with baby gates or crate training.

Incorporating a routine into your husky’s training sessions will help them understand and retain the commands more effectively. Consistency in the timing, duration, and frequency of the training sessions will provide structure and reinforce the training process. Make sure to keep the sessions short and engaging, as huskies have a shorter attention span. While most of these training methods typically apply to Husky puppies, they also work well for adult dogs too. Ok, bad news first….this is your final week of the ‘how to train a husky puppy guide’, but the good news is you still have tons to teach your puppy. Consistency should also extend to the entire training process.

Puppy Schooling 101: Your Guide to Learning Basic New puppy Training

They’re not old enough to retain directions yet, though they may begin to make connections between actions and praise or consequences. Don’t give your puppy an opportunity to soil in the house; keep an eye on them whenever they’re indoors. As soon as you’re sure the puppy is done pottying, offer praise and hand them a tasty treat. Being on leash helps your puppy learn to potty on leash in general, which is useful because you’ll probably want your dog to potty on walks at some point. It also keeps the puppy from running around and getting distracted by all the interesting things around them. A young puppy should never be crated for more than a couple of hours, except overnight.

“You don’t want to keep them away from everything and everybody under the fear of parvo of distemper,” she notes. Huskies are social and want to be around people, just like any other dog breed and need help to adjust to being on their own. Try not to rush the process of twitching them to be alone, as you can undo a lot of good work and healthy attachment if you let them cry it out or leave them longer than they can cope with. Read our full guide to puppy separation anxiety for more information.

10 Weeks Old

That’s because this 3-letter word can come in handy with even the most advanced training methods down the line. For example, if your dog is triggered by approaching strangers or other pets, putting them in a “sit” gives them a task to perform that distracts them from their trigger. Dogs are considered particularly receptive to training when they’re puppies, but that doesn’t mean you can’t train adult dogs too.

In order to develop a positive association with this vocal cue, use it when summoning your dog for rewarding activities like playtime and feeding. Every pet parent should know the classic dog commands like sit, stay, come, and lie down. It should go without saying that puppies, like humans, aren’t born with a built-in understanding of the English language. Teaching them these words and the expected actions when you vocalize them will lay the groundwork for strong communication between you and your best friend. When you consider the thousands of years of animal instincts and behaviors rooted in every dog, the idea of training them to fit into your domestic home environment can seem pretty daunting.