massachusetts gun confiscation gone bad

We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. When my Driver's License expires they don't make me surrender my car As far as confiscation, yada yada, the very second you've got license troubles, GET THE FIREARMS INTO "LEGAL" HANDS. There, you may only possess a handgun if you have a license, and the license lists every single handgun you own. Once somebody files a restraining order on you, law enforcement officials will immediately take possession of all firearms, rifles, shotguns, machine guns, ammunition, and LTC/FID that you possess, often times through confiscation at your place of residence. Speaking after the clash, JavaScript is disabled. Handguns in Australia had been registered since the 1930s, but most Australian states had only imposed long gun registration in the two decades preceding the confiscation. Now I dont have to worry about them federal pissants!!! We know that gun registration does not work. If a family could not produce and immediately surrender a firearm that had once been registered to someone in the family, the entire family would be executed on the spot. Cnn reported they were right wing supremacists. What are the grounds by which is no longer a suitable person? Claim: An ambush near Boston recently killed <NOBR>72 National</NOBR> Guard troops. It was highly informative. A judge may issue an order to temporarily confiscate the firearms of a person who appears to be at risk of harming themselves or another person. Military and law enforcement sources estimate that 72 were killed and more than 200 injured before government forces were compelled to withdraw. Former law enforcement would be less likely to seek mental health assistance out of fear of losing their gun rights and possibly making them unemployable for security officers and similar positions. Since he's no longer licensed, that would be illegal, not to mention an open admission right in front of cops that he's violating a law. 2022 GUN OWNERS' ACTION LEAGUE. The murdered children and their teachers have been turned into the political pretext for gun registration. YouTube - Store data on what videos from YouTube the user has seen - 2. Only 30% of the citizenry were in favor of giving the king the finger. AR15.Com reserves the right to overwrite or replace any affiliate, commercial, or monetizable links, posted by users, with our own. We will use this information to improve this page. I cut the cord 10 years ago. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Most people don't think MA gun laws be like it is, but they do. This cookie, set by YouTube, registers a unique ID to store data on what videos from YouTube the user has seen. Military and law enforcement sources estimate that 72 were killed and more than 200 injured before government forces were compelled to withdraw. Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Im also not aware of any Florida enforcers refusing to confiscate. To avoid upsetting him, you don't tell him you are a gun owner. Thats outrageous!. When your car leaves your garage on a Saturday morning, he doesn't know that you are driving to the shooting range with a pistol in your trunk. (Rev. Gun confiscation is much easier if guns have first been registered. However, troops attempting to seize arms and ammunition in Lexington met with resistance from heavily-armed extremists who had been tipped off regarding the governments plans. All Rights Reserved. What does this mean for the people who dutifully complied with New York's gun registration law? Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. For more information contact PR HERE. One reason that New Zealand continues to reject gun registration was the fiasco in Canada. ", no? You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The study controlled for numerous variables such as poverty, race, arrest rates and so on. No need to mention how most gun crimes are committed with illegally-obtained firearms, or that efforts to defund police and curtail their activity have encouraged police reluctance to aggressively enforce the law while emboldening criminals to break it, or that successful defensive use of firearms is as common as the criminal use of them, or that law-abiding Americans, as they always do, will bear the brunt of Draconian new gun-control legislation. A few months ago I bought a used book from the library that told the details of the Lexington and Concord battle, including the events leading up to it and all the way to the battle of Bunker Hill. The Truth:One must read the entire article to understand that this was written about an account called the Gunpowder Incident that occurred in 1775 while Americans were struggling to gain independence from England. Sign up for the ARFCOM weekly newsletter and be entered to win a free ARFCOM membership. So the longest part of a burglar's working day is "casing the joint" to ensure nobody is home. Military and law enforcement sources estimate that 72 were killed and more than 200 injured before government forces were compelled to withdraw. We did not, and so Congress is usurping authority from us, and will continue to do so until we smack them down. Thank you for your website feedback! 140 c 129B), (Note if the revocation/suspension is due to a 209A restraining order, please see below), Surrender/Confiscation of Firearms Information (M.G.L. Ironically, when it happens, it wont be in the news. JavaScript is disabled. Host of The Loaded Mic Fauquier Free Citizen. Period. I knew what you were doing from the thread title. [Authors Note: You probably have not heard about these incidents in any of the major news outlets. Be sure to enter theNES/MFS February Giveaway ***Taurus G3***. If you found this page helpful please consider making a Donation to GOAL! Sign up for the ARFCOM weekly newsletter and be entered to win a free ARFCOM membership. A lock icon ( He speaks at events, is a contributing writer for many publications, and can be found on radio stations across the country. It is sedition for a civilian to support this. Just some pedos and drug dealers, picked up one by one. Nothing in this website should be considered personal legal advice. Not in MA anyway. Still, we must stand against evil, communism and socialism (different ways of spelling evil), tyranny and treason. The American people were well aware of this danger on the eve of World War II. Ironically, the local citizenry blamed government forces rather than the extremists for the civilian deaths. Looks like those red flag laws are working exactly as intended. 1 US Marshals Service agent This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Alexa analytics service - keep track on user informations. A hearing must be held within ten days of the order being issued. Sad our society doesn't fight for anything, Saw this once before, still has the same effect. Not only would this law create a larger underground mental health situation, but it would also provide no help to the person being accused. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. I understand that this liciencing/ permission is BS. It later changed its name to Handgun Control, Inc., then later changed it again to the Brady Campaign.). Globe Opinion's must-reads, delivered to you every Sunday-Friday. This anonymous data helps us to better understand users' needs and customize the website accordingly. It means those who chose not to have their personal information listed in the phone book now have their residences exposed to a worldwide audience on the Internet. 8/9/18) This form is to be filled out by the person seeking an extreme risk protection order to provide identifying and contact information for the person against whom the order is sought. Right wingers never liked taxes (without representation). That's all in the bizzaro would of MA. 1 County deputy H.R.2377 is also a way for Democrats to punish gun They would merely need to wait until government agents commit horrific blunders that turn millions more Americans against Washington. Everyday they violate their oaths and our rights and Im not hearing anything about people fighting back. In response to the governors action, Massachusetts gun rights leaders pointed to a resolution that was voted on almost ten years ago that stated every citizen was entitled to possess a firearm for their own personal protection and to defend the state from outside attack. If you believe the revocation or suspension to be unjust or in error, you have 90 days within the receipt of the notice to file a petition for review in the district court that has jurisdiction of the town in which you are licensed.34After the hearing, a justice of the court may re-instate your LTC/FID if the justice finds that you are not prohibited by law from possessing an LTC/FID. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Any revocation or suspension of your LTC/FID has to be in writing and will state the reasons. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. They have me out manned and out gunned. This is why delivering your letter with transfer instructions to your licensing authority. Injecting Wild and Domestic Animals With the mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine?? H.R.2377 is a perfect tool. So in 1941, when Congress passed the Property Requisition Act to allow the federal government to seize property that might be needed for the national defense, Congress specifically forbade the federal government from using this act to seize or register guns. Read more. Civil liberties activists who raised concerns that registration lists could be used for confiscation were sneered at as paranoid extremists. Its going to be a mess, but I think ostracism will be the first phase. Suggestions are presented as an open option list only when they are available. When I lived there as a kid, I was in awe of the bullet holes through the houses with glass windows that had been preserved. So the analogy isn't perfect. Some page levels are currently hidden. [Editors note: They may want to think about Sheriff David Clarkes warning regarding gun confiscation.] Is there a single town, city, county, or even state that could handle 72 pissed off non complying resistors slashing police cruiser tires, , walking up to DAs out checking their mailbox and putting one behind the ear, sniping judges mid swing on the back 9, let alone knowing where half the cops and the NG members live with their families? If this happens, get on social media asap.Read more . BREAKING: 72 Killed Resisting Gun Confiscation In Massachusetts. Win a FREE Membership! A variation of the _gat cookie set by Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager to allow website owners to track visitor behaviour and measure site performance. (Richard Harris, A Reporter at Large: Handguns, The New Yorker, July 26, 1976, p. (At the time, Shields' group was called the National Council to Control Handguns. Of course, the National Rifle Association strongly agrees, and has introduced the NRA National School Shield Program in order to develop very specific ideas for how to stop the next evildoer who attempts to murder children at school. The police force in the town i live in has what ammounts to a tank/armored assault vehicle. (i) After delivery you have one year to transfer your firearms, rifles, shotguns, machine guns, and ammunition to any person legally permitted to possess them. General Thomas Gage was the Royal Governor of Massachusetts in 1775. YouTube - Store data on what videos from YouTube the user has seen. An LTC costs $100.00 and is valid for 6 years. The Massachusetts Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence is glad to see a call to federal action on guns, both in the Feb. 15 Globe editorial, Gun control, as urgent now as Ex-judicial punishment. Still word leaked out, probably by someone that overheard the planning of the raid at the governors mansion. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. One new winner* is announced every week! Gun-control advocates in the U.S. praised this confiscation effort and demanded similar action in the United States. He confiscated the gunpowder supply of the American colonials, not military-style assault weapons. The only firearms that were in use back then were muzzle loaded black powder flintlocks.We have highlighted the punch line in red in the example of the eRumor.Posted 03/11/14. H.R.2377 overrides states authority leaving all 50 states vulnerable to an overreaching federal gun grab. If you enjoy the forum please consider supporting it by signing up for a NES For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Massachusetts Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence, The Boston Globe crusades against the constitutionally protected right to possess and use firearms by claiming gun control is as urgent now as ever. Hoarding and shortages soon followed. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Internet Explorer Bug Opens Computers to Hackers-Truth. This law would in fact create a larger mental health situation by making people less likely to disclose their mental struggles or thoughts of suicide out of the risk of losing their gun rights. The plan was rejected after several years of extensive debate and analysis. Please remove any contact information or personal data from your feedback. They were absolutely wrong. Provided by Google Tag Manager to experiment advertisement efficiency of websites using their services. In Rockland County, the Journal News used public records to obtain the name and address of every handgun owner in the county. We can imagine how destructive this would be should it be used as a tool for revenge by ex-spouses, former roommates, and angry former boyfriends/girlfriends. The governor also demanded the surrender of those responsible for planning and leading the attack against the government troops. When the NRA said "never again" about Newtown, it was serious. 58.) A two-year amnesty period for owners of these now-banned firearms will expire in April 2022. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Oh, yeah, I caught it. Rather, the Journal News, based on its printed justification for its actions, seems to have been motivated by social malice against gun owners. An official website of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Quantserve sets the mc cookie to anonymously track user behaviour on the website. Tweak it to clarify the guns were military grade. No wonder we are spending so much on law enforcement with such poor results. 1 DEA agent This decision followed a meeting in early this month between government and military leaders at which the governor authorized the forcible confiscation of illegal arms. (Rev. 140 c 129D), Surrender/Confiscation due to 209A Restraining Order See all of 209A here. Instead, the Gun Control Act of 1968 requires firearm manufacturers, wholesalers and retail dealers to keep written records of sales. You are using an out of date browser. All the government has to do is declare "Martial Law" That removes the constitution from the equation. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. There, gun registration laws had been enacted by democratic governments, such as the Weimar Republic in Germany, or the Third Republic in France. Everything you want and need is online . Hopefully enough of the jury has the sense to see through the lies and misdirection. *Must have a registered ARFCOM account to win. Subscribe to our monthly Newsletter to receive firearm news, product discounts from your favorite Industry Partners, and more. The 72 would be running to the NH border, wondering if they set up a camp in NH, if they could buy a gun there. It does not store any personal data. In fact, Massachusetts may be losing its status as a gun leader, as manufacturers ship operations to the South and Southwest, according to Jurgen Brauer, Ive never heard a veteran indicate their role is to sit on the sidelines and then step-up after non-veterans have led the way (or refer to non-veterans as one distinct group and veterans being the patriots). Upon revocation or suspension, the licensing authority will take possession of your LTC/FID and will give you a receipt for fees paid for your LTC/FID. But our work is far from done, and if we want to move the needle on gun violence, we must focus on the trauma that surrounds gun violence, not just the guns themselves. The New Zealand police pointed out that database management is an enormously difficult and expensive task, that the long gun registration database was a mess, and that it yielded virtually nothing of value to the police. If you enjoy the forum please consider supporting it by signing up for aNES Membership The benefits pay for the membership many times over. The New Zealand police explained that long gun registration was expensive and impractical, and that the money could be better spent on other police work. Student Rebooking and Cancellation Policy, Regulatory Fraud A Calculated Deception Against the People of the Commonwealth, Junior Shooters and Hunters Resource Page. Kleck's study found no crime-reductive benefits from gun registration. And if the government attempts No one is sure just who fired that shot, but in response government troops opened fire, killing eight and wounding several others before their officers could regain control of the situation. For the legal gun owner the truth is they won't even have to come to your door to seize them. Rifle registration had been the law since 1920 and shotgun registration since 1968. (Comcast cable is 15-30 seconds off of true time - which wreaks havoc on trying to record shows on the DVR). Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. National Guard units seeking to confiscate a cache of recently banned assault weapons were ambushed by elements of a para-military extremist faction. Gage blamed the extremists for recent incidents of vandalism directed against internal revenue offices. This latest series of protests turned violent a few years ago when government officials opened fire on a crowd, killing five, including one black man. BOSTON, MA Government troops seeking to confiscate a cache of recently banned assault weapons were ambushed by elements of a Para-military extremist faction. 1 City/Town police officer c. 140, 128 and 131M. President Obama, however, didn't really seem to mean what he said. Don't give them the chance. Confiscation The biggest concern of this gun control push is the outright confiscation of firearms by the government. Further I would not publicly state if I would resist, or what if any contingency plans i do or do not have in place. I keep a "tickler file" of key dates - for example my NH permit expires 10/31/2019. Copies or duplicates of banned assault rifles, including copies of the Colt AR-15 and the Kalishnikov AK-47, are prohibited by the Massachusetts assault weapons Rumors quickly spread that the government was deliberately trying to deny citizens the ability to acquire ammunition. c. 93A. All the petitioner has to do is submit an affidavit accusing the respondent of posing a risk of imminent personal injury to himself or herself or another individual by purchasing, possessing, or receiving a firearm or ammunition. YouTube sets this cookie via embedded youtube-videos and registers anonymous statistical data. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the official website. This is a crime on every American citizen even if aimed only at individuals. Turning them in suggests putting them in your vehicle along with all your ammo and mags, and driving them to the police station and saying "here you go". Major poll shows rise in popularity of modern sporting rifles among Americans, Upper Arlington updates ordinances to comply with Ohio gun laws, Answers to Common Questions about Ohios New Permitless Carry Law, An Alternate Look at Handgun Stopping Power. Gun control efforts in Massachusetts increased in response to protests in Boston resulting from raising taxes and harsh treatment by government officials. Although the protest was non-violent, several thousand dollars in goods were destroyed. Commies, all of them. Assuming one was to go this route. After that, the New York state police used registration lists to conduct home inspections of every individual whose registered gun had been outlawed. 2 FBI agents In an effort to restore order, Massachusetts governor imposed martial law in the area immediately around Boston and ordered the confiscation of firearms and ammunition. The person whose card is revoked or suspended must take all action required by section 129D (see below). It seems to be going pretty well for the government thugs. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Vimeo installs this cookie to collect tracking information by setting a unique ID to embed videos to the website. It now means that people who kept low profiles and their addresses private because they have been victims of stalkers are now easier targets for stalkers and other sociopaths. Or why, when your department had to lay off somebody, he decided that somebody would be you. Maybe NOT, POF 5PK MP5 The Budget Reverse-Stretch Semi Auto from Pakistan, Ammo InStock: PMC Bronze 223 Rem 55 Grain FMJ Ammo 1000 Rounds $397.00 FREE S&H, Survival Deal: Thyrosafe Potassium Radioactive Iodide Tablets $21.95 FREE S&H, Gun Deals: Beretta A300 Ultima Patrol 12 Gauge Shotgun $949.00 FREE S&H, Brownells Coupon Codes Updated Monthly. Already, by executive fiat, Obama has unilaterally imposed federal registration on anyone who buys two or more semi-automatic rifles within a one-week period. There is also the concern that this law would be used as a tool to disarm and render helpless an abused person in a relationship. The cookie is set by to collect statistical data such as the number of visits, average time spent on site, and what pages have been loaded, for targeted advertising. But I wonder why he didn't renew his license? Military and Its not helping with their image among the general public, though. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. What's that saying about registration leads to confiscation well. During a tense standoff in the Lexington town park, Colonel Francis Smith, commander of the government operation, ordered the armed group to surrender and return to their homes. NES/MFS February Giveaway ***Taurus G3***, Seventy Two Killed Resisting Gun Confiscation In Boston, Breaking news. Doubt there would be 72 willing to actually resist. Subscribing, dying to know how this ends! But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Complete Legal Protection for Armed Self Defense - Read This. The final problem is to make possession of all handguns and all handgun ammunition -- except for the military, police, licensed security guards, licensed sporting clubs and licensed gun collectors -- totally illegal." Democrats want high gun-related death numbers to justify more gun control laws. In 1989, actress Rebecca Schaeffer was murdered by a stalker who obtained her home address from California driver's license records. Whew!!! But this time it adds a new twist in the baseless claim that white identity politics is at the heart of the gun-rights movement., Amid the coronavirus pandemic, and given President Bidens well-known antipathy toward guns, firearm sales continue to go through the roof, as evidenced by the record-setting number of background checks conducted by the federal government. Id not allow my family to be mowed down by some one just doing their job. The bill is being pushed under the guise of suicide prevention. Prime Minister Trudeau and his allies are labeling it as a government buyback. The newspaper has been digging into gun registration lists in other counties as well, with plans to publish those records. Youtube - Track the views of embedded videos. I love it when history is couched in contemporary terminology. display: none; My point was confiscators are enforcing the laws and getting away with it. The individual that leaked the information about the raid was never identified. Consequently, New York's gun registration program is now being used to help criminals arm themselves. Use to petition the Boston Municipal Court to determine that the Respondent is an unsuitable person to possess a Firearm Identification Card at this time., Use to petition the District Court to determine that the Respondent is an unsuitable person to possess a Firearm Identification Card at this time.. Your rights after you have surrender or confiscation. The ships sailed in MA. AR15.COM is the world's largest firearm community and is a gathering place for firearm enthusiasts of all types. I dont need a whole minute. If people want to commit suicide they will find a way. You know from casual conversation with him that he is angry and irrational about guns. In the Soviet Union, and then in the Eastern European countries that the Soviets took over following World War II, gun registration lists were likewise used for confiscation. Copyright JPFO 1999 - 2023. Never needed anything to possess in NH. The Truth: This is a very authentic looking article alleging that 72 people were killed and more than 200 others were injured while the National guard confiscated a cache of recently banned assault weapons. Im just waiting in Will to buy those made in Texas suppressors and take a stroll through Deep Ellum with his unregistered suppressed MP5 since the government thugs are no longer enforcing arms laws in Texas. Since then, many states have barred public access to driver's license records. Although in our case the government (The British back in 1775) is way more powerful and controls the National Guard and other forces that were used by the Colonials to beat back the British. MASSACHUSETTS GUN CONFISCATION FAIL: Massachusetts SWAT team raids wrong home, keeps woman naked for 10 minutes By jboch Aug 24, 2015 Some states wage a jihad against gun ownership. And the license lists every single handgun you own the people of citizenry. Civilian to support this extremists for recent incidents of vandalism directed against internal offices... The first phase actually resist * must have a license, and the lists... By GDPR cookie Consent plugin the information about the raid was never identified replace any affiliate commercial!, actress Rebecca Schaeffer was murdered by a stalker who obtained her home from. Doing their job people who dutifully complied with New York state police registration... 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